Responsibilities of Landlords to Tenants
You finally found a nice place to rent and solved the need for shelter. Big relief right?
But it’s sometimes frustrating being a tenant in a house where the landlord has no regard for what goes on in the house beyond rent payment.
A tenant may be responsible for the paying off utility bills and minor repairs as a result of his/her negligence or carelessness. However, aside the responsibilities of tenants, the landlord also has the responsibility to make your stay pleasant.
Stated below are a few responsibilities of the landlord to tenants:
The responsibility to adhere to the terms and conditions stated in the tenancy agreement. In most cases landlords and tenants agree to certain terms and conditions called the tenancy agreement. It’s mandatory that the terms and conditions in the tenancy agreement comply with the Rent Act 1963 (Act 220) of the Constitution of Ghana.
For instance, a landlord can only increase rent when he has given prior notice to his tenants upon renewal.
The landlord is required to avoid unnecessary interference. Though the landlord is obligated to access the property and make certain repairs if required, both parties (i.e the landlord and tenant) need to agree on a suitable time. Showing up at inappropriate times is unacceptable. The notice period is usually stated in the Tenancy Agreement.
The landlord has the responsibility to repair damages to permanent structures on or in his property. These structures may include roofing, drainage system, water supply etc. However, if the damage was caused by the negligence or carelessness of a tenant, that responsibility falls on him/her.
I’m conclusion, the best way to live peacefully in a rented space is to stick to the terms and conditions stated in the Tenancy Agreement. And if the landlord breaches any of the terms, report to the appropriate authorities.
I hope this article was helpful. Share your experience in the comment section.